Week 4 - Part B: Defining MY Target Market


Trident Pacific Consulting (TPC) is an Organization Development firm. What sets TPC apart is that is run by a retired Navy SEAL, Forrest Walker.  SEALs are well known for their superior performance in dynamic environments. In the past, SEALs were duty-bound to be quiet professionals who did not brag about their exploits. With the publication of number of SEAL books and movies, SEALs have attained a celebrity that is new to today. Capitalizing on this notoriety,  Forrest Walker hopes to drive clients to his full service consultancy.

The target market is an organization or business, as well as the key people who are decision makers of strategic initiatives of these organizations. They may hold titles such as president, CEO, President, HR director, or office manager.  These key people can "see the trenches but not be in the trenches." In identifying which of these key players may want to hire him to help with the organization's issues, they would be people who are aware of the superior performance of SEALs in dynamic environments. They may be veterans, pro-patriots, or performance athletes.

TPC would like to target companies local to San Diego / Southern California as well as companies in the Southwest. The businesses would employ 5 - 50 people with revenue of $3 - 15 million. Organizations would be Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) or Non-Profit organizations. Target businesses are service providers such as restoration companies, construction companies, plumbing companies, temp agencies, accounting firms, insurance agencies, banking and financial institutions, and insurance companies. 

The companies would usually be in business 5 - 15 years and facing a plateau or crisis. This could be a loss of market share or big clients, loss of revenue owing to poor performance, high employee turnover, the impact of new legislation, emerging technologies or toxic corporate climate or culture. They could be poised for scaling or considering a merger.

Clients will appreciate the pragmatic approach to problem solving, and find the straight talk of a Navy SEAL preferable to the corporate double-speak often found in consultants looking to satisfy or appease clients. Clients can expect real results from a Navy SEAL consultant, especially one with experience and one formally trained in business and Organization Development.


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