Week 10 Part A: Researching Email Marketing

Email Marketing

What does a company put in their newsletters? All kinds of things it seems. How often do entities send out emails? For some of the consultants that I get emails from it appears that once a day is the most common. 



I think I receive a hundred plus emails a day. Most of those are some sort of marketing email. I seldom open them. But for this assignment I burrowed a bit on my junk mail account to see what is happening.

Since starting this class and taking on the challenge of marketing my husband's consulting business, I have been lured into buying some programs that were advertised on Facebook on how to increase your followers, how to develop content, etc.  So naturally I get lots of emails to buy additional programs. 


Billy Gene
sends me emails at least once a day. He is a flashy, high profile marketer and has some good advise. Great headlines! The emails are mostly plain text with lots of white space between each line. It's easy to read. 




Brendan Kane
wrote a book about getting a million followers. I just signed up for his emails and they are coming in at the rate of one per day. Again, I need to study this tactic of one sentence per line with several line breaks between. I'm interested to see how often he emails. 












Abby & David
of Crushing it on Camera sell a how-to videos on how to do videos. :-) They too are a once a day or every other day emailer. 












John Maxwell
and team email me at a rate of 5 per week. Their emails are much more interesting to lookout. They are still trying to sell me their high priced leadership course but they do provide some thing of value in their links. 











Mark Divine
of Unbeatable Mind has been sending me emails since 2013. He is a former SEAL who has his hands in lots of endeavors. Quite inspiring if he was not despised by other SEALs. Regardless I have lots to learn from him even though I won't be getting in one of his ice baths in THIS lifetime! I get his emails under several different entities. (Another clever trick!) His emails promote his books, his gym, his leadership summits, his podcasts, you name it. I've received 10 emails from him in the last 18 days. 


For Trident Pacific Consulting I think that we would be doing well with one email per week, providing a teaser for a current blog post. And when we actually have a product, which is coming soon, I would love to send out promotions for that. The product is Mindfulness and Self-Mastery course. Of course we don't have a single person on the email list just yet. But hopefully with a new landing page on the website we can generate one. Lots of work ahead of us!


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