Week 8 Part B: My Instagram Hashtag Use

tridentpacificconsulting is a brand new Instagram account. I have been running one for my own business at matigangoldens and matigangoldenretrievers for a while. There are not very many followers on my husbands account yet. Below are the 6 posts I have made to date. I made all of the memes myself on Canva. I am new to Canva so I think I am getting better with practice. I have settled into a branding color scheme of blues and oranges and tan. So far the greatest number of likes is 6. My classmates are not really liking my stuff, maybe because I am at the end of the alphabet. I continue to like and comment on all new posts of my classmates. For some reason the cross-posting to Facebook stopped working. I am going to see if I can troubleshoot that. It was working before... The following are hashtags that I have used so far (newest first): #emotionalintelligence #emotions #mindfulness #selfmastery #beyourbestself #positivemindset #positivity #mindfulness #auth...